SoundGuy wrote:
Old-Biscuit wrote:
The idea is for the rod to be 'sacrificial' vs the steel tank of water heater.
Sacrificial yes, but the anode rod is not protecting the steel tank per se as that tank is lined with porcelain ... rather, in Suburban's words the purpose of using an anode rod in one of their water heater tanks is because "Heated water attacks all metals, but not porcelain. That's why Suburban uses a porcelain-lined, steel water heater tank with an anode rod to "absorb" the electrolytical action".
And w/o that sacrificial anode rod those Suburban porcelain-line STEEL tanks with rust/deteriorate/leak rather quickly.
If the porcelain lining didn't have hairline cracks, weak spots, incomplete coverage if would fully protect the STEEL tank......but it doesn't hence the need for the sacrificial anode rod. Simple chemistry at work.