Forum Discussion

Flyin_Finn's avatar
Jun 17, 2015

Attaching fiberglass panel to plywood, usin contact cement


I am replacing a 6x6 foot section of my outside wall on on my 5th wheel.
The plan is to first glue the thin fiberglass panel to the 1/8" plywood, and then attach the sandwiched panel to the aluminum frame.

I already purchased the glue, a red contact cement called Helmiprene 4570, made by Helmitin. I will spray the glue to the surfaces.
Once the glue dries, I will join the surfaces together.
This is where I am getting confused: I am supposed to apply pressure to the surface. Why? I thought it was an instant, strong bonding. Is the purpose of the pressure to strengthen the bonding? Is the pressure just momentary, for example using a j-roller?. Or is pressure supposed to be applied for a given curing time?
I do understand that I need to make sure there are no air bubbles trapped between the layers.

At the moment, I am experimenting with the gluing process on some scrap pieces, to make sure I do it right when I do glue the actual panel.