Forum Discussion

BradF's avatar
Jun 20, 2013

attwood G6A-8E water heater

My Attwood G6A-8E water heater will not fire. I have replaced the thermostat, ECO and cleaned all connections. I checked the ignitor gap and made sure all connections are cleaned and tested continuity to most circuits. I checked the bladed connections at the back of the switch as well. I can hear the click at the circuit board when the switch is closed so I think the switch is OK. It did work for a few days and after traveling now it will not fire. Could be a short somewhere, but I checked as many circuits as I could find with a multimeter and all checked OK. Not sure what else to check now, any help is much appreciated.
  • Thanks for the update. Replaced mine with a Dinosaur board from A.S.A.P. Couldn't be happier with the results and the service/price I got from them.
  • Thanks for the suggestions, I found the problem...bad circuit board. Not cheap but it works great now. I guess a 15 year old board is going to wear out eventually.
  • It could even be your propane regulator not putting out enough pressure. I had this problem sneak up one one time. I finally noticed the stove burner wasn't quite as high as it used to be. It was a very small difference but it kept the WH from working.
  • It really depends on what you mean when you say "will not light." :h

    Just a couple of thoughts for you given the limited meaning of that statement. Clean your jet and the tube leading to the burner. If there is any obstruction then gas will not get to the sparker.

    Download a manual from Chris's website and check the computer board. Mine went out a couple of years ago and it was easy to debug with the manual and a meter.
  • Brad, no intent to be a smartdonkey but do you have gas? (wait, not you, you. I mean you as in the rig)