Forum Discussion

Barry_J's avatar
Jul 30, 2019

Atwood G6A-8E

We have an Atwood G6A-8E water heater, the electronic start switch was left on, and the water was turned off, for a day. We came back, noticed that the switch was still on, and the water off.....when I shut it off, and turned it back on, the red light does not come on, like it use to. Usually it will light and then turn off....then I would know it was working, but now the light does not turn on. I am leaving it “off” for the night.
And will see if light goes on briefly, tomorrow morning.
Did I blow something, or screw something up, with the water off, and the heater switch on for a day?
I checked the circuit breaker, but was not tripped
  • The OP did ask directly: “Did I blow something, or screw something up, with the water off, and the heater switch on for a day?”

    It sounds like we’re in agreement assuring him that he did not.

  • NRALIFR wrote:
    I wouldn’t think that leaving the WH turned on and the water off (either the water pump or city water faucet) would have caused this problem, as long as the WH was full of water.

    Probably just coincidental.


    Whether hot water is used or not the water will cool down in the water heater causing t-stat to close and a heating cycle to run.
    Repeat several times depending on length OP was gone.

    One of those reheat cycles failed ....would have probably happened whether OP was there or water was ON.

    WHY it doesn't work IS the question
  • I wouldn’t think that leaving the WH turned on and the water off (either the water pump or city water faucet) would have caused this problem, as long as the WH was full of water.

    Probably just coincidental.

  • Atwood G6A-8E is GAS only water heater
    Uses 12V DC so no circuit breakers.uses FUSES (unless RV MFG used DC Circuit Breakers)
    So find/check Supply Fuse for water heater

    Check Green Wire connection....Ground Wire

    Brown Wire....thermal switch (Clear Tubing). One time fuse that blows at 190*F (exposure to flame blow v=back from combustion chamber)
    Remove it and connect Brown Wire to T-stat to test if water heater will turn on/heat water

    If it does.....
    *Replace thermal fuse
    *Clean out combustion/exhaust tube wire up thru combustion and out exhaust =--tie a rag to wire then pull back thru to sweep the tube