wca01 wrote:
The same control problem came up when I was buying my 2007 Kountry Star.
The dealer was unable to find the part or make any correction. It's not exactly an Atwood problem. The relay manufacturer went out of business.
The final solution for my situation was a new HWH leveling system. That cost the dealer something like $10,000.
I hope you can find a less expensive answer, but I really suspect the fat is really in the fire.
Good Luck!
Atwood offers an upgrade program and has for 3 or 4 years. What that means is, Atwood will sell you a complete NEW system at a reduced price and you replace ALL the components including the main wire harness. ALL old parts are removed. You cannot use any of the old wire harness or parts. I still think the best bet is to contac, Fleetwood or Tiffin to see if they still have any Ford modules still in stock. BTW, installing HWH hydraulic jacks with air dump should not cost more than $5000. If he quoted $10,000, he was not truthfull. Doug