On Cars and trucks normally red is positive black is negative unless someone had to replace a CABLE.
But on RV's. any thing goes. the RVs are wired by folks taught house wiring (Black is hot) so what the black wire is .. You guess is as good as mine.
Your voltmeter is your friend.
We just solved an electronics problem in another branch of these forums where the problem was ... The Red wire (RV side) was NEGATIVE... The man's voltmeter proved it.
I would not take chances. I'd meter it
Isolate all lines. Hook a meter black lead (With a clip lead) to a known good ground. then plug in. probe all wires for 12 volt(wel 13-14) that will be a Positive lead.
if it's a trailer hook up to the tow vehicle and do the same. That too will be a hot lead (Positive)
The rest you are on your own