MudChucker wrote:
I did thjs will suck down the bank faster than if they are seperate. Yes you can charge together but the 12 will pull down nearly twic as fast as the sixes and most of the power of the sixes will go into topping up the twelve. I dont knkw or care what the theory is here, in my case i bet the bank lost about a third of its run time.
I have heard this many times and always shake my head and ask "how can people believe this"
BFL13 wrote:
Two dissimilar batteries in parallel where one is 85AH and the other is 150AH will be at the same voltage. Their bank capacity is now 235AH.
When a load is put across the pair, each will be drawn down equally according to its proportion of AH size. Each will reach 50% SOC at the same time and their voltages will still be the same.
IE their voltage will be 12.2, and capacities now will be 42.5AH and 75AH.
This basically has it. Once the batteries have gone througn ONE charge or discharge cycle they will be in lock step..
If they were out of sync.. Then the battery with the higher state of charge will provide nearly all the current till the voltage drops (Voltage and state of charge are related) then they share according to capacity
And when charging the batter with the LOWER voltage, and thus the lower state of charge, will take nearly all the charge till they sync up.
And from that point on they are basically ONE battery, always in sync
"So the "One will charge faster" or "One will discharge faster" folks..
Well, They need to go back and study more
NOTE: This applies to batteries in parallel
And the pair of six volt .. For this discussion are ONE 12 volt battery
For batteries in series.. (The two sixes) Identical is necessary.. but even with multiple pairs.. It only applies WITHIN THE PAIR, the other pairs can be different.
BATTERY--BATTERY--12 volt..Works, they are identical
Battery-Battery-12 volt.. works, They are identical
Put those two pair in parallel even though they are different.. Still goood
BATTERY-Battery 120 volt.. Not good,