ReneeG wrote:
mccarmc wrote:
No I didn't. But one more comment is that it is is hard wired, not a battery
Even if it is hard-wired, wouldn't it still have a battery as a backup and if it is going bad you would be alerted.
Generally, most hard wired RV LP gas and combo LP/Co detectors do not have a "backup battery" and will rely solely on 12V supplied via the RV battery/converter.
Now if you are talking HOME 120V hardwired detectors, yes, generally those will have a "backup battery" to continue alarm operation during a 120V power outage..
Newer Home CO detectors (120V and battery) do keep track of the hrs since it was first powered by the owner in some fashion which must require some sort of internal "clock". But even so, there is no way to reset that internal clock and no internal batteries that the user can replace/change to reset that clock.
LP, CO and smoke detectors are cheap and plentiful, once it starts EOL beep of death, replace it. It is cheap life insurance to replace when there is any question about the age or condition of the detector.