Going on a weekend trip to the local springs and while preparing the unit at the storage yard I discovered damage on the drivers side above the furnace. Looks recent and the area inside is dry. Emergency repair with Eternabond but I need a permanent repair for the 2-3 inch opening. What would be the best method to repair without taking to to a bodyshop? Pictures below.
If the photos don't upload correctly they are on this site: http://s345.photobucket.com/user/MPOCHY/library/?sort=3&page=1
Google and search the forum for hull repair tips, how-to's, and even youboob.com flicks about doing the job right. They are as interested in "finished appearances" as the next guy. Being their concern encompasses watertight integrity they do not fool around.
BONDO. If you have big void behind, you can stick a piece of Styrofoam in it, sand-clean the edges and apply Bondo. That will make good repair and you can worry about paint touch-up at convenient time.