wa8yxm wrote:
dougrainer wrote:
Note, Page 4 has to do with optional timer operation. Also, note, that the next paragraph states to disconnect batteries(or unplug converter) if leaving plugged in for an extended time. Doug
So does the manual for your flashlight Doug.. Or your portable radio or your _____ Battery operated device_____.
You know you are an " ". Right? The items you listed HAVE NO CHARGE FUNCTION AT ALL. I have been kind to you for the past few years. But, you continue to spout your nonsense and you have a LARGE lack of knowledge. You are the Cliff from Cheers. Doug
PS, you stated you are NOT familiar with the 7400, but state nonsense when it comes to the OPERATION of the 7400. I gave the OP the ACTUAL manual for his 7400 and the parameters and IF you do NOT have the optional T module, then you will get outgassing if plugged in 24/7.