Having trouble confirming correct strut for our Dometic Power Awning Pro Electric awning series 331655XXX (that might be model for remote control) and/or model 917NS20.100UL/Mfg PNC 958644798 (main awning sticker). Mounted on 2019 Phoenix Cruiser Class B Plus MH. Dometic never answers and MH factory could not help. Existing strut says Stabilus Lift O Mat with codes 025214 0600N 146/18B7. Google and Amazon search unsuccessful. Extended Length appears to be 27 1/2inches/cartridge 15.5 inches but I cannot determine the pounds rating. Replacement needed to properly deploy and retract awning.
If you have an idea on suggested pound rating that might be enough to narrow it down for an online order.
Any help appreciated.
2019 Phoenix Cruiser Model 3100