tvfrfireman wrote:
2112 wrote:
If you have a standalone battery charger charge the battery for awhile with that and then try it again. But for long term, get a larger cord.
X 2
Ours did a similar thing trying to put 75 Amps into the battery. The coach was parked "near" the well pump house and connected to the "15A" outlet there with a 100' 12ga extension cord. The power to the 120V 15A outlet at the pump house is a fed by a 8ga run from the house which is probably 300 feet over all. I ran the generator for half an hour after which the extension was ok, voltage only dropped to 105V from the 120! I now wish that I had run 6 or even 4 gauge to the well but that is pretty $$$$$$$ since it is all direct bury cable.