Kayteg1 wrote:
I ask Torklift simple question if their tie-down ends can be reversed with longer plate toward the front as their manual wants them to the rear.
They never answer.
I am removing fastgun at each fill up.
That is on 2017 Ford, so it is their latest engineering.
I know you are and you aren't the only one. My friend from Maine who posts on here has the same exact issue with is TC. His fuel door is getting a bit chewed up from banging the tie down rod. he can just get the nozzle in but it jams the fuel door against the tie down rod. Like I said, I feel your pain and his and the guy who bought my Lance though I cured his issue. I extended both outboard mounts forward so 2 things happen.
One, the tie down rod (he has Fast Guns too but it don't matter) clears the fuel filler door and more importantly Two, the tie down anchor point moved 6" forward and that applied a more of an angle of attachment so my old (and his new) Lance won't slide back. It cannot. It's securely anchored.
Easy fix if you have the tools and some welding skills. Should TL make an engineering change, cannot answer that. I did what I was able to do and that was make them aware of the issue.
Now, if it was me, I'd be really upset in as much as I use the old style screw down HJ's to secure my unit and I sure as heck don't want to be unwinding them every time I needed to fuel but I don't have a late model truck. My Ford has 2 fuel doors and a front and rear fuel tank.... the ones with the skinny tubes that take forever to fill up.