DougE wrote:
This is on a 2015 GMC Canyon but is really a generic question. There is a plate with non-replaceable fuses on top of the battery (see photo below). I would suspect this unit is quite expensive and only available from GM in the near future. If one of these fuses pops the entire assembly would be replaced although I think I could modify it for replaceable fuses by cutting off the existing fuses and drilling a few holes. After supposedly identifying a short on a normal fused circuit I would typically just stick in a low amp spade fuse and see if it pops. At the anticipated cost of this assembly, however, I really need to use a non-destructive method. What approach would you electric guru's suggest?

So do you currently have a short or this is just a what if? I would imagine that the fuses are protecting a fuse box down the line. So if something shorted it would blow the 20amp fuse before it would get to the 100amp main.