Forum Discussion

BStiers's avatar
Jun 26, 2017

Keystone Fuzion FZ 360 Bedroom Slideout

I am looking for some assistance regarding the bedroom slideout. On my camper both slideouts operate off one hydraulic system. When the bedroom slide closes then the main slide begins to close.

Here is the issue. my bedroom slide is not closing all the way. Once both slides are all the way in I have to manually push the bedroom slide all the way in. It operates off one single hydraulic ram.

When I look close at it I believe the top closes all the way but the bottom fwd side is not. It closes all the way once I push it in. As I go down the road it does creep back out to the same distance as when I close it initially. about 1/2" out.

Anyone know who makes the system?

Can the solenoid valves be adjusted?

Any ideas or suggestions on how to get my slide to fully close?

  • I took it all apart a few months ago and found a 22" section of wood rotted out. I cut out the bad would and did all my repairs seems to be working like a champ again.
  • Makes sense. I need to dig into it and see what I can find. Thanks
  • Generally the way these work is that the hydraulic pressure is exerted on the cylinders in sequence. After one closes, the pressure is exerted on the next one until it closes, and so on. So your bedroom slide should close all the way so the pressure will build and close the next slide. With a leaky seal you may still be building enough pressure to close the next slide, but not enough to close the first slide completely.

    Of course this is mostly conjecture on my part.
  • By solenoid valves I am referring to hydraulic ones. I am thinking (I have not looked yet) that there should be 2 one for each room. The slide initially does not come all the way in. So I do not think it is bleeding off.

    Good idea to check the ram mounting location. I will check it.

  • You refer to solenoid valves but the system is hydraulic, right? It's possible your ram is bleeding off pressure due to a bad seal in the ram. Since it's just the bedroom that doesn't come all the way in it's unlikely to be the hydraulic system itself. If the system wasn't building or holding pressure you'd be more likely to have issues with the larger slide.

    You might check the condition of the floor where the ram is mounted that pulls the slide. We have a Fuzion 383 that had the floor damaged and the ram pulled loose from the floor.