My Battery was fully charged - so it's not a battery issue. I had it plugged into 120 when I put the slide out and retracted it.
As I put the slide out, I can hear the motor turning at full speed, but as the load increases, I can hear to motor bog down and really being to labor. As we all know, if things worked well in the past, and the motor didn't bog down in the past, then when things do bog, eventually, the amount of amps will increase beyond what the fuse can support and I've got a bigger problem (more than likely when I'm out dry camping!!!).
What brand of dry lube should I use? Living in West Los Angeles, there isn't a Walmart close by that I can visit to pickup - so am I looking for a silicone based lube or ???
I have white grease for the drive motor assembly. I've used that on my front Jacks on the 5er - that's just annual maintenance.
Thanks for the help!