profdant139 wrote:
phil, those Efoys look mighty fine -- 27 decibels is quieter than a library! Only one little problem -- it's four thousand dollars for the 25 watt unit. Ouch!
I am sure that the magnetic perpetual motion machine will produce much more power for free, in perfect silence. ;)
Dan .... where did you get 25 watts from?
This spec sheet shows three models that deliver - either 3.3 amps @ 12 volts, or 6.0 amps @ 12 volts, or 8.8 amps @ 12 volts: in mind that these fuel cells automatically put out these currents if the battery(ies) will accept them anytime and all the time as the batteries are being used -> depending upon how fast the loads are trying to drain the battery(ies).
Multiply these three currents times 24 hours and you can see how many amp hours can be put back into the RV's battery bank per day. Doing this you can see that a lot of amp hours per day can be delivered to the battery(ies) as needed ... even continuously hour after hour.
Considering what RVs cost and what the cost is for the built-in generator option in those RVs ... I'm inclined to feel that an EFOY fuel cell might be a great investment for those RVs if air conditioning is not desired. What one is getting with an EFOY is a power source that can be transferred from RV to RV and can be used anytime, anywhere, any season for keeping the battery(ies) topped up ... no solar cells needed.