Almot wrote:
I think Don asked about 1000W inrush for that Canadian Motomaster aka rebranded Prowatt 1000 that sells for CAD 320, occasionally CAD 120?
Contrary to popular repeated and incorrect opinion the Motomaster branded 1000 watt PSW inverter sold at Canadian Tire for the last several years is
not an Xantrex but rather NPower, sold in the US at Northern Tool. This inverter for several years was regularly priced at $299.99 Cdn but would go on sale several times a year in typical Cdn Tire fashion for $199.99, which is what I purchased mine for. Current stock is
advertised for $319.99 but typically goes on sale several times a year for ~ $100 less. Those wanting one should grab one next time they go on sale as it looks like NPower is
is discontinuing this particular model (the
only PSW inverter sold to date by Cdn Tire) and may be replacing it with a larger 1800 watt PSW model which will no doubt be more costly.

This rebranded NPower inverter has two 15 amp receptacles for convenience and I've had no difficulty drawing full rated power from either. If I compare the
NPower Owner's Manual to that supplied with my Motomaster branded unit it's virtually a clone. I installed mine for those few times each season we lose campsite shore power, allowing us to use our 750 watt toaster, 550 watt coffee maker, wife's hair dryer (on LOW), a couple of fans, etc, and for this purpose it works just fine despite all the second guessing from those who don't own one themselves and are too quick to judge based on what they
don't really know about this inverter. :R No one would claim this is the "best" in a PSW inverter but for those of us here in Canada it represents by far the best deal in a moderately priced PSW inverter of
any size. :B