BFL13 wrote:
Ok that almost made sense :) Now the Tracker picks a voltage from its input that gets it the most power at the controller (one way is to fiddle with some R to find the best voltage).
So you go out and measure 29.3v at the panel and 29.0v at the controller input.
What would happen to the output power of the controller if there was only half that voltage drop? ie 29.15v at the controller instead of 29.0?
When the controller picks 29v at its input that turns into 29.3 at the panel so if 29 was the right answer and the panel ends up at 29.3 doesn't that put it out farther to right on the IV curve and drop way down on the knee for amps and so power? (never mind ??? that the rated Vmp is 30.0v)
I can't figure out who is doing what to whom. 29.3 is closer to 30 than 29 but if the controller chose 30 would that put the panel at 30.3 and down the knee a bunch?
If in MPPT mode, the controller only optimizes the values at its input terminals.
The controller has no idea what is being delivered or lost while being delivered.