Ken the panel has the IV curve with its knee, not the controller. If the controller can't "see" the right voltages at its input due to voltage drop, how can it get the panel to do its best?
With a voltage drop, the controller has lower voltage than the panel--at least that is what I get with the multimeter.
But then they say that the MPPT makes the panel voltage to be Vmp which is why I get 29.3v at the panel instead of Voc of 34v I guess? Or with PWM when panel voltage = battery voltage allowing for voltage drop. But the panel is rated at best watts at 30v and 29.3 is closer than 29.
So it seems like the controller will "make the panel voltage" wrong by the amount of voltage drop and screw up the wattage? Meanwhile the voltage drop is wrt the current on that wire pair. So the IV curve says what the current will be at that voltage, but the voltage determines how much current that is on the panel's IV curve.
Who is running this zoo?