There is but one single solitary manufacturer of car jar size true deep cycle batteries in north America.
Rolls & Surrette
Not Trojan, not Exide, not Johnson Controls, not Deka, not GNB
but Rolls
And put a period behind it.
Regular and I mean REGULAR ORDINARY DAY IN AND DAY OUT car starting batteries of the 1960's and 1970's were just as cyclable as today's DEEEEEEEEEEP CYCLE RV batteries.
Yes separators have changed and through the cell wall interconnectors are different but the notion 6-cell batteries of today are different is a cruel marketing hoax.
Don't get me wrong. Car starting batteries do have THINNER and more porous plate paste.
In the 1970's it took a 150 pound 8-D battery to achieve 1,000 CCA.
Today my junior olympics size group 34 brags it offers 825 CCA This turd is half the size of a group 65 battery which has similarly thin porous plates
There are golf car batteries of which the better brands are built to do cyclable duty but they exhibit 475 CCA. Is it a miracle? No, it is a giant Federal Trade Commission Free CON JOB.
AGM is not free of Herb Tarlek grade BS. Those AGM batteries offer a ton of battery with .045" plates have just that, forty five thousandths thick plates and there is only one exception to this. That exception has plates in excess of a tenth of an inch thick.
But ignorance rules. Batteries are not insensitive. They need EXACTING care and 99% of buyers could care less about exacting care. The battery with the LEAST sensitivity is an AGM. They recharge until the electrics run into a stone wall then refuse to charge more. This rant is not a battery manual so if you want more info Rolls & Surrette and Concorde provide excellent ones free to download.
Self titled opinionated users come up with some of the most outrageous claims that defy common sense and automatically leads to their degree of truthfulness and even their perception of reality.
I tried bringing some light to this on this forum for what? Sixteen years?
And still, I read nonsense posts reinforced with agreement from similarly ignorant (they refuse to read Instructions or click on free legitimate information from two of the finest battery manufacturers on the face of the earth. But they take it online and preach the gospel about batteries.
THE QUEST is to find the LEAST OFFENSIVE CONVERTERS AND CHARGERS that will allow these batteries to lose the LEAST amount of capacity and deliver the maximum amount of lifespan.
A simple power supply like a Meanwell or Megawatt would DOUBLE or TRIPLE the life of an AGM battery but interest in how to do it is about on par with adopting a red-headed stepchild.
Yep bet your butt I'm disgusted and I'm frustrated today.
If they refused to discuss it publically then fine I have no qualms about that.