Forum Discussion

TexasUltra's avatar
Mar 16, 2018

ONAN runs, stops, starts again

I was exercising my ONAN 4000 the other day as I do monthly and after about 45 minutes it just shut down. It re-started after a couple of minutes, again after 30-45 minutes before shutting down again. One more time before I decided there was a problem.
I pulled it out of storage this afternoon and checked the oil level and quality and it was fine.
Started it again and boom same thing. I didn’t have the sequence of how to get the trouble code with me so I backed it back in to storage.
I use a fuel stabilizer and premium fuel for the genset at all times.
I will try to get the code on Saturday but is there anything else I could check when I have it pulled out?
It seemed kind of hot in the compartment but it was only about 75 degrees today and we’ve run the genset in 95-degree weather with no problem.
MOD: 4KYFA26100K
SER: H050816555