This is a simplied drawing of my antenna box wall plate. The OUTSIDE connected is for hooking to the an antenna signal coming from the site TV antenna source...
I usually use a short RG cable and a signal splitter here so that the camp ground TV cable can be routed to the ANT INPUT connector on the RV and also to a long RG Cable that I throw under the RV so I can connect up an outside TV SET on the picnic table.
You will have to do something similar to this on the inside where the RV Antenna is connected to the TV ANTENNA BOX connector. When adding a splitter be sure it is the that will pass the 12VDC that goes up the coaxial to power up your TV Power AMplifier that is located in the antenna. If the the splitter you get does not also pass 12VDC going up the RG Cable to the outside antenna the Power AMplifier will not work.. I guess all of this makes sense to you...
Roy Ken
My Posts are IMHO based on my experiences - Words in CAPS does not mean I am shouting
Roy - Carolyn
K9PHT (Since 1957) 146.52M
2010 F150, 5.4,3:73 Gears,SCab
2008 Starcraft 14RT EU2000i GEN
2005 Flagstaff 8528RESS