Forum Discussion

SWFL_FlyFisher's avatar
Feb 20, 2018

Poly Welding / Repair Cost

Background: Found that my new (to me) TT's water tank had a leak at the tank drain. I was hoping it was just a loose fitting but closer inspection revealed a crack in the welded-in fitting that the drain valve threads into.

I pulled the tank figuring I'd just replace it (it needs a good cleaning/sanitizing) but it's not a common shape and I've not had any luck sourcing a replacement (60" wide X 36" long X 4-1/2" tall). Since I wasn't having any luck finding a replacement I figured I'd look into having the crack welded. Found a company out here (SWFL) that specializes in such repairs and got a quote. I was surprised to see that he wants $229 ("plus tax"?). This seems high to me for a crack that's only about an inch or so long and runs about 1/4 to 1/3 the way around the fitting.

Am I wrong here or is that the going rate for such work? I'm looking for more quotes, just haven't found anyone close to me that does it so far.
  • Have you tried Happy trails rv service?
    Ocala mobile service.
    Not a recommendation, I dont know them but they came up when I searched it.
    352 577 2212
    Good luck
  • Depending on the plastic type, you might give a diy plastic welding kit a shot - Harbor freight has one for 60-70, it gets mixed reviews.

    Or, if you really want a new tank, you might look into getting a custom one made - the magic words to search for are Roto Molding. I had one made at a place about an hour from me - I think I used one of their stock sizes, but was able to specify the locations & sizes of the openings. I don't remember the cost, it was 10 yrs ago or so, but it wasn't so much that I balked at it (and I'm generally "frugal...").

    Good luck!
  • I do that stuff...if you brought me a clean, dry tank, $50 max. He just doesn't want/need the work.

    It's not rocket science, like metal welding...good materials and practice.
    Try the Harbor Freight kit, proper rods. Practice on a heavy (Arnold Palmer tea) bottle or similar material. You may find a new skill.
  • ancillary info

    Arnold Palmer tea .. aka.. Arizona Tea, the A.P. version is Half & Half, 50% tea and 50% lemonade, pre bottled, i really like that stuff, buy it all time
    have a bottle in the kitchen right now

    good sturdy bottles, i keep an empty around for utility uses, then dispose of as needed and keep the next empty
  • One in my fridge as well. Cuts into nice easy to weld patches too!
  • Depending on how wide the crack is you may be able to repair it yourself , I used soldering gun with a flat blade tip on it and melted the plastic back together then put a patch kid over it lasted ten years for us and sure it is still good for the new owners , was a crack where the drain valve threaded into the tank
  • Thanks for the input everyone. The tank is polyethylene as far as I can tell. I had seen Happy Trails webpage, but they're a good 4+ hour drive (each way) from me.

    After looking at a few YouTube videos and taking a closer look at the crack, I think that if I can't find a reasonable repair person fairly close by, I'll try the HF "welder" and see how it goes.