Yup and with flaky chips that laugh at their spec sheet the bell-curve voltage/ma/lumen output relationship can assume the absurdity of Monte Hall, and let's-make-a-deal.
Lin, is whom set me up with SHARP chips. But they cannot compete with scumbag low-cost-at-a-high-price specials in eBay. Many 10-watt chips exhibit multiple colors and intensities throughout the plate.
CREE chips are sensitive and utterly unforgiving about drive current.
A sort-of-clue
A company that offers 365 nanometer grade ultra-violet chips usually is a lot stricter with chip quality. Costs more but the chips are uniformly top notch.
You mentioned the 20-100 watt family of chips. This is where I spend time with my lab power supply between 34-36 volts. The Sharp units seem to prefer 34.7 volts as the top of the bell compromise.
To suggest a Chinese company is going to use top drawer chips then custom power them to an optimum compromise would be really stretching it.
The Karma Sutra of Chinese LED philosophy seems to be "Buy an X wattage chip then drive it at 60% so maximum savings are realized on the cost of heat sinks. Frugality to the point of running the chip above the thermal upper limit.
Down here, one of the pastimes is noting exactly how the new LED streetlights have failed. flashing, mass area blowout, intermittent operation wotta hoot.
Then there are the new cars with interesting faults in LED tail lights.
I'll stick with my severely controlled engineering environment - thank you...