Forum Discussion
little bit of misinformation, at -20 C you can still discharge most LiFePO4 batteries, Mine can be discharged down to -35C it is only charging you don't want to do if the battery itself is below 0C. if they have a heat function in their BMS then temprature is no concern at all and if you mount them inside the living space then there is no concern either. this is what I di, so I can go campin g at -20C and turn on the furncae and then once the interior of the camper is warm my batteries will be warm and I can turn on the solar power for charging. would I intentionaly go camping at -20C .. no and 99% of the other people wouldnt either.
If you can only discharge it isn't of much use now is it? Please go obfuscate some where else. The OP is from Canada and we get a LOT colder than -20 C. Lots of us use our RV's year round.
- StirCrazyMar 30, 2024Moderator
Don, I am from Canada also.. I think I know about our climate. and yes it is as I expained so please read the whole reply. if you can discharge you can start your furnace and warm them up, or if you have heated batteries you can discharge to run the battery warmers to the point where you can start your charging systems.