pianotuna wrote:
Hi BFL13,
The Honda can only do that "over" wattage for 30 minutes--then it may shut down to protect itself. It can do that because the no load output is 127 volts.
It won't do the 75 and 55 because neither is power factor corrected?
I don't have any data for testing that 30 minute idea. Longest run in notes at constant 155 amps on six batts was 25 minutes before tapering, but that was from getting close to Vabs. I need more batteries! Then I can see about going past 30 minutes :)
Nothing in the manual about the 30 minutes idea. Maybe a Yamaha thing? (I have no battery in the 3000 either as it happens)
The no go with 55 and 75 is a puzzle. It pops the breaker(s) immediately. It shouldn't be the PF unless somehow PF correction reduces starting surge because the VA is higher with the 100 and 55 than with the 55 and 75 even with the PFed 100.
I am suspicious of the receptacle inter-play. It seems you get different total amps if you plug one charger into the duplex 15 and the other into the adapted 23.3 (30 twist) and when you use a splitter (triple end #12 cord) in just the one 23.3.
I do have to adjust the charger voltages better to get the highest amps, fine tuning, but that doesn't explain it all. One day I will spot something.
Supposedly, you can do anything amongst the receptacles as long as you stay under 23.3 total, but each may have some own limit at play. I don't do it the same way each time and can't remember which way I got the most amps last time. Got to camp in the winter more often! J