Forum Discussion

tenspeedret360's avatar
Jun 12, 2020

service recommendation, cable slide mechanism

Hello, all, and hope everybody is safe and well in this 'trying' time....and thank you in advance for all the help and advice i'm sure to receive.

I have a 2006 Monaco lapalma DP, with 2 slides. The slide in my bedroom operates on a gear that the slide goes in and out on, never been a problem. My problem lies in the slide in my living room, which is much larger than the B/R slide, and that is controlled by a cable mechanism. My problem is the cable. It has snapped at least 1/2 a dozen times over the life of the unit, and i've been going to the state of florida to get it repaired, but im hoping I could get some sort of recommendation for a service place somewhere between the Hudson valley in NY, where I am, and the state of Florida, where I end up going. Ive called places in Conn., for example, and told they exclusively work on xyz,(xyz not being Monaco) and maybe they could fit me in......, but I would really much rather have a reputable, nearby outfit I could go to. Any first hand recommendations would be HUGELY appreciated.

Thanks again, and as always stay safe!

  • thank you, doug, that manual will be incredibly helpful, and ill just have to, when I make my calls, ill be more informed when I call these places to replace my cable. The last time I had it done, at wildwood lazydays, I think I finally found a teck that had a clue. It took them 2 days longer than anybody else had taken, but was going on having it done right. The cable hasn't snapped, but im simply gun shy from having it snap (and of course at the worst times) so wanted to locate a repair shop before I took the slide in.

  • You must have the Accuslide system. If you have broken a cable 6 times in 14 years, you have an ALIGNMENT problem with the cable pulley's. When correctly adjusted, none of the 8 cables should rub on anything other than the various pulley wheels. Fraying a cable(rubbing then breaking) is caused by the cable/s rubbing on a metal area of the slide box mounts. ANY shop that has worked on Accuslide can repair regardless of OEM. BUT, the question you need to ask is, DO YOU(shop) have experiance in Accuslide systems. If NOT, then find a shop that has. Doug