Many of the 120V hardwired home smoke detectors are also linked together, if yours is linked then you will need to replace with same brand.
If not linked, most any of the big brand names like Kidde, First Alert would be good choices. Stay away from no name generic store brands..
You are also better off buying separate Smoke and CO detectors instead of combo types. This allows more flexibility in where you place the smoke and CO detectors and I personally like CO detectors which include a digital readout. The reason for the readout is under normal conditions the CO levels should ALWAYS be at ZERO PPM.
Due to too many nuisance CO alarms the sensitivity of the actual audible alarm trigger level has been raised from 15 PPM in 10-15 minutes to 70 PPM alarm in 60-240 minutes exposure time, 150 ppm for 10 to 50 minutes, or 400 ppm for 4 to 15 minutes.
I use a wood furnace to heat my home, backup gas furnace, have a gas water heater and a gas stove/oven.. So, having a readout is very helpful for me to discover the issue, find and fix the CO source before it gets to alarm trigger levels. Often times in the winter the wood furnace stack can cool a bit too much and still have some burning embers which results in a down draft in the wood furnace stack and CO goes into the house instead of up the stack.

HEREPlug in 120V and backup battery powered in case of power outages.