Forum Discussion

evergladesgator's avatar
Jan 21, 2015

suburban sw6de hot water heater

Was workin great. Now when switch is turned on the gas valve clicks and flame is initiated. BUT, the burning flame is just a low woof noise not the jet engine sound when it's operating normally. How to test to decide if it's the gas valve or the board ? Fridge is operating and three burner stove is working great. Nice blue flame on stove and fridge gets cold quick.
  • Biscuit, Thanks. The coils ohm out to 43+ and 45+. Removed the burner tube and it was PACKED. Cleaned it out and it again sounds like a small jet engine. Working great.
  • YEP what he said ^^^^^^^^

    Something is obstructing propane flow. Doesn't take much.

    Either main orifice (screwed into gas valve right where burner tube connects) is dirty or main tube is dirty

    IF after cleaning it still has a low flame then may have one of the two solenoids on gas going bad. Typically inboard one.

    Can check that both are getting 12V DC power during ignition.
    OR unplug wires on solenoids and check resistance...should be 44 ohms