Since you are on a fixed site, and you have exceptionally hard water in Tucson, I guess you're having the RV version of septic caliche in your tank. The stationary water level with no sloshing has allowed the organic material to bind with the minerals in the water creating scale the likes only those in the SW desert can understand.
Solutions: Blast it away. Use a industrial septic cleaner. Try those foaming RV tank cleaners like Tank Blaster or Commando. Fill tank with water and CLR or Lime Away and rock the tank from time to time. Fill the tank with vinegar and rock the tank from time to time.
I suspect a contributing factor is your tank isn't getting sloshed causing minerals to settle where they are, allowing other minerals and waste to just build on top of each other. For what it's worth, I know many with the exact same issue when their unit is in used but sitting fixed for a long time.
Good luck.