Feb 24, 2017Explorer
Tristar 45 PWM Custom Profile
First..... I have a few images in this to help illustrate. Views best if you are allowing images! I tried to repeat in text what the image was saying, but a picture, as we know, is worth more.
I have two 100W solar panels, leading into a Tristar 45 PWM.
I have two Trojan T-105 batteries in series to make a 12V system.
I see that the default settings for the DIP switches don't exactly get you to what Trojan recommends for their batteries.
OK I read up that in order to customize the profile, you need a usb-to-R232 cable connected to a computer running MSView. Cool. I recently went thru 2 USB-to-R232 cables bought via eBay before buying the named brand. Lesson there!! The cheap ones from across the pond didn't work. After some research on the r232 cables. The fakes can't read the firmware drivers, etc and if you go into Device Manager you will see an error on your device. This is also noted from Morningstar that many have this issue. I just bought the recommended brand (Tripp-Lite U209-000-R) and it works great!! Cool. Onward now to getting my Tristar setup for the Spring usage (still snow on ground here in Utah).
So, I have started to try to understand how to use MSView to get the exact specs that Trojan asks for on their batteries.
Trojan specs say:
(the following is an attempt to add in the picture of voltages...)

And the map from the specs translates to this:

The charging temperature compensation says: Add .005V for every 1C below 25C and substract the same for below 25C. (.0028V for every 1F below 75F). I prefer Farenheit, but it looks like the Tristar prefers Celius. So, I will work with that.
(the following is an attempt to add in a picture of the temperature compensation...)

Charge Mode - PWM, Temp Comp & Reminder
On Screen 1 for the Setup wizard, I currently have set:
(checkbox) Enable Battery Service Reminder
If the following pic comes thru, I highlighted the values I changed. I put absorption to 14.2, battery temp comp to .005 (but it changes to .004). IDK why. And service reminder to 30 days.

Question 1: I tried to set temp comp to .005 per Trojan requirements, as soon as I go past that screen, and come back, MSView pushes it back to .004. I assume that is negligible. Agreed?
Question 2: I am not sure what to set max/min temp too? It defaulted to 80C max, -40C Min. I assume that is just fine, both are very extremes, and its just saying to me, that it will compensate 100% of the time. Any issues there? After all, if we get to 80C (176F) or -40C (-40F) we all have a lot of other problems.
Question 3: It defaulted Battery Service Reminder to 60 days. I changed mine to 30 days. Trojan says to check it often. I am not sure "where" its going to remind me though. LOL. Is 30 too often? I assume this is really just a personal preference.
Charge Mode - Float Settings
Ok, onto the next dialog/screen
This one is about Float charges. So, I see that Trojan recommends Float Voltage to be 13.50. No Problem, I set that (it was defaulted to 13.7). On this screen, the rest of the settings are not as clear to me. Suggestions?
All settings are:
Question 4: Do I need to worry about any other settings on this page? I am very curious what everyone else is setting on these? The best strategy?
Question 5: I believe the float cancel voltage should be set to something that coordinates with the state of charge percentages for the battery. For this battery, it says
So, what percentage or voltage should Float cancel kick in? 70% or 80%? I have currently set it to 12.38 or 70%. Good or bad?

Charge Mode - Equalize & HVD Settings
Question 6: Given that Trojan recommends 16.2V for equalization, what would be the suggested settings for the rest of this screen? I honestly guessed at these.

LED Settings
Really no question here other then curiousty. I set mine to align with the percentages.100, 90, 80, 70. What are others doing?

I know this is a lot of info and questions. Huge thanks in advance.
(It took me a while to put in those images, and formatting here. As an IT person for my day time job, one suggestion to the forum owners is to look into some more friendly text editor widget. There are some opensource free ones out there that are really cool.)
Thank you!!
I have two 100W solar panels, leading into a Tristar 45 PWM.
I have two Trojan T-105 batteries in series to make a 12V system.
I see that the default settings for the DIP switches don't exactly get you to what Trojan recommends for their batteries.
OK I read up that in order to customize the profile, you need a usb-to-R232 cable connected to a computer running MSView. Cool. I recently went thru 2 USB-to-R232 cables bought via eBay before buying the named brand. Lesson there!! The cheap ones from across the pond didn't work. After some research on the r232 cables. The fakes can't read the firmware drivers, etc and if you go into Device Manager you will see an error on your device. This is also noted from Morningstar that many have this issue. I just bought the recommended brand (Tripp-Lite U209-000-R) and it works great!! Cool. Onward now to getting my Tristar setup for the Spring usage (still snow on ground here in Utah).
So, I have started to try to understand how to use MSView to get the exact specs that Trojan asks for on their batteries.
Trojan specs say:
- 14.82 - Bulk Charge
- 14.1-14.7 Absorption Charge
- 16.2 - Finish Charge
- 16.2 - Equalize Charge
- 13.5 - Float charge
(the following is an attempt to add in the picture of voltages...)

And the map from the specs translates to this:

The charging temperature compensation says: Add .005V for every 1C below 25C and substract the same for below 25C. (.0028V for every 1F below 75F). I prefer Farenheit, but it looks like the Tristar prefers Celius. So, I will work with that.
(the following is an attempt to add in a picture of the temperature compensation...)

Charge Mode - PWM, Temp Comp & Reminder
On Screen 1 for the Setup wizard, I currently have set:
- PWM Voltage (Absorption) 14.2 V@25degC
- Battery Temperature Compensation .005 V/degC
- Maximum Compensation Temp 80 degC
- Minimum Compensation Temp -40 degC
(checkbox) Enable Battery Service Reminder
- Battery Service Reminder 30 Days
If the following pic comes thru, I highlighted the values I changed. I put absorption to 14.2, battery temp comp to .005 (but it changes to .004). IDK why. And service reminder to 30 days.

Question 1: I tried to set temp comp to .005 per Trojan requirements, as soon as I go past that screen, and come back, MSView pushes it back to .004. I assume that is negligible. Agreed?
Question 2: I am not sure what to set max/min temp too? It defaulted to 80C max, -40C Min. I assume that is just fine, both are very extremes, and its just saying to me, that it will compensate 100% of the time. Any issues there? After all, if we get to 80C (176F) or -40C (-40F) we all have a lot of other problems.
Question 3: It defaulted Battery Service Reminder to 60 days. I changed mine to 30 days. Trojan says to check it often. I am not sure "where" its going to remind me though. LOL. Is 30 too often? I assume this is really just a personal preference.
Charge Mode - Float Settings
Ok, onto the next dialog/screen
This one is about Float charges. So, I see that Trojan recommends Float Voltage to be 13.50. No Problem, I set that (it was defaulted to 13.7). On this screen, the rest of the settings are not as clear to me. Suggestions?
All settings are:
- Float Voltage 13.5 v@25degC
- Transition to Float when duty cycle is 30% or less for 0h 0m 0s
- Exit Float when duty cycle is 100% for 1h 0m 0s
- Y/N Enable Low battery trip
- Low Batt trip voltage 12.50V
- Low Batt trip timer 0h 0m 0s
- Y/N Enable Float cancel
- Float cancel voltage 12.38 V
Question 4: Do I need to worry about any other settings on this page? I am very curious what everyone else is setting on these? The best strategy?
Question 5: I believe the float cancel voltage should be set to something that coordinates with the state of charge percentages for the battery. For this battery, it says
- 100% - 12.74v
- 90% - 12.62v
- 80% - 12.5v
- 70% - 12.38v
- 60% - 12.24v
So, what percentage or voltage should Float cancel kick in? 70% or 80%? I have currently set it to 12.38 or 70%. Good or bad?

Charge Mode - Equalize & HVD Settings
Question 6: Given that Trojan recommends 16.2V for equalization, what would be the suggested settings for the rest of this screen? I honestly guessed at these.
- Equalize Voltage 16.2V@25degC
- Equalize Time 1h 0m 0s
- Auto Equalize interval 28 days
- Equalize Timeout 3h 0m 0s
- High Voltage Disconnect 16.30v
- High Voltage Reconnect 14.00v

LED Settings
Really no question here other then curiousty. I set mine to align with the percentages.100, 90, 80, 70. What are others doing?
- 100% - 12.74v ----Green Only
- 90% - 12.62v ----Green and Yellow
- 80% - 12.5v ----Yellow Only
- 70% - 12.38v ----Yellow and Red
- 60% - 12.24v

I know this is a lot of info and questions. Huge thanks in advance.
(It took me a while to put in those images, and formatting here. As an IT person for my day time job, one suggestion to the forum owners is to look into some more friendly text editor widget. There are some opensource free ones out there that are really cool.)
Thank you!!