Jul-26-2019 01:40 PM
Aug-02-2019 10:29 AM
Aug-02-2019 10:25 AM
waynefi wrote:
OK, I tried a couple of more experiments. The trailer has been plugged in for weeks.
Unplug, open the battery cutoff, let it sit for a few minutes. Voltage at battery 12.9. Connect the truck, close the battery cutoff, voltage at battery 13.7. Voltage at truck battery 14.1, so I still have a 0.4 drop.
The time I got 13.2 at the trailer battery I didn't measure the voltage at the truck battery. I had just been driving the truck, so if it's charger voltage drops down after being driven a while, it could have been lower. The 13.8 measurement was earlier, while I didn't have any connection at all.
A later experiment, with the battery disconnected. At truck battery 13.88. At trailer battery terminals with nothing on but the propane detector, 13.83. Turn on the bathroom fan, it drops to 13.69. So there is still a fair amount of resistance there.
Aug-02-2019 10:07 AM
Aug-01-2019 07:45 PM
Aug-01-2019 07:26 PM
Jul-31-2019 05:15 PM
Jul-31-2019 11:31 AM
BFL13 wrote:
Yes, the 7-pin charging is at low amps, so not much gets done while driving. IMO something is not quite right about the voltage numbers, but hard to tell. Nothing to stop going camping whatever it might be.
Jul-31-2019 11:27 AM
Jul-31-2019 10:58 AM
Jul-31-2019 10:03 AM
BFL13 wrote:
Good work. However, note that the full battery should read 12.7ish not connected. The truck is at 13.8. When connected the full trailer battery would be say 13.7ish (allowing for line loss).
If it only goes up by 0.2v that means it is not full.
Jul-31-2019 09:38 AM
harley4275 wrote:
Fuse under hood in your fuse box not hooked up or not there. Look in your manual,if they give you one, and see whick it is. Should be a 30 pr 40 a square fuse. Could be the wire under hood not connected yet.
Jul-30-2019 01:30 PM
Jul-30-2019 11:55 AM
Jul-30-2019 11:34 AM