dcason wrote:
Old-Biscuit wrote:
Not raining so condensation is source of dripping YES!
Could be Evap Coil Fins icing up then thawing NOPE
Which could be from dirty filter/dirty fins ---- A/C fan on Low speed
*Clean Evap Coil Fins, change air filter frequently, make sure fan is in AUTO
Could be Evap Coil drip tray drain holes obstructed MAYBE...he has yet to find them
Which could be from crud/mold partially plugging drain holes
Which could be from overtightening the hold down bolts, crushing roof gasket & A/C Pan is now too close to RV Roof obstructing the drip pain drains
*Access Evap Coil Drip Pan drain holes under roof shrouds (Main cover and evap coil section sealed cover) and clean them
**Check that roof gasket is not over-compressed (should be roughly 1/2" distance between A/C Pan and roof line -- replace gasket if crushed)
Could be Evap Drip Pan drain holes are just too small to handle the High Humidity --- condensation is accumulating faster then drain holes can remove THIS SOUNDS POSSIBLE.
While A/C is running the excess condensation is being sucked up by fan and blown into ducts --- then when fan stops a wave of condensation drips out
*When cleaning Evap Coil Drip Pan drain holes...enlarge them for higher flow thru them
We took the filter completely off and left it open. It is much better now without it on. He still needs to go up and find the drain holes to see what is up with that. Still a little water seeping out under the on dial over time but not the cascading water when we turned it off.
Thanks, old biscuit.
Running W/O the filter is NOT the way to solve the issue.
W/O filter Evap Coil Fins will get dirtier/faster
Buy bag of filter material (ACE Hardware etc) and cut out replacements then FREQUENTLY change out --- wash/dry and reuse until they stretch out of shape.