I ck the post and yes I'm using my old rv batteries as a power backup at the house for when the power goes out during the winter months, I keep them charged and yes they work well for what it is...now in my 5th wheel.. im typing sitting here in the camper at Englishtown,NJ at raceway park for there summer Nationals...dry camping batt. voltage is 12.5v lights on,some led, other half not, tv on 12v, this montana is a power hog, especially when my wife camps with me but drag racing isn't her thing...so are they weak? don't know until the morning after needing to use the heat going down to low 50's well its 58' now...see its not the 12.5v it will be the capacity they have.. now why I asked this Question..Leaving fathers day for a 6week vacation into the Rockies, From Grand Teton to YellowStone To Glacier then into Alberta,Canada following rt93 into the (Ice Feild Pkwy) Baniff NP upto Jasper and back down then to the UP of Michigan ...Bucket list vacation for us...THERE WILL BE MUCH DRY CAMPING thats why I asked to see what type of answers to my post I would get..On the roof sits 350watts of solar panels@ 24v and a Outback solar controller 60amp...Thank you for your Answers and tell you how I do at E-town with my batteries