Forum Discussion

dapozer's avatar
Mar 11, 2014

Xantrek sw600, trimetric,battery shutoff wiring questions

I am getting ready to install a sw600 inverter into our outback 230rs and looking at wire options. the location where the sw600 is going to go is about 3 foot from the main battery cut off switch for the unit. 1.can I wire the inverter directly to the cutoff terminals? 2. If I do this will the trimetric be able to see the usage of the converter? Or, 3. should I wire positive to the battery and the negative to the trimetric shunt? I would like to make sure when the units power is shut down this inverter would be also.
  • I have installed a few Trimetrics 2025 and Xantrex Link-pros. Your plan is good. (If I understand it correctly.) You should only connect to the load side of both the Trimetrics shunt and the disconnect switch.

    Always avoid connecting things to battery terminals. There are two reasons for this:
    1 - Corrosion is an every present issue around batteries and extra connections just makes it worse.
    2 - When batteries have to be serviced or replaced, it is never a good time and extra connections have a good chance of getting screwed up.

    (Do I Need to add a BTDT to the above? I did a lot of boat work before the depression and batteries and the associated screw-ups were a large part of my income.)

  • You should be able to do it just as you described, positive to the switch and negative to the load side of the shunt. Just make sure that the wiring from the batter to the switch/shunt is of adequate size.

    I just did a similar install with a Xantrex X-Power 1500 and have the positive coming off the cutoff switch, thru a 150A fuse, directly to the inverter and the negative goes directly from the load side of the shunt to the inverter.
  • Thanks, that is how I have it done in my head. Nothing special with the 230 very simple wiring.
  • I can only speculate, since I don't own a 230rs, so not sure if there's something special with the wiring.

    a cut off switch is normally on the positive side of the battery, so you can connect your inverter positive cable to it, as long as the wire leading into the switch from the battery is at least as big as the wire leading to the inverter.

    a shunt is normally on the negative side of the battery, and is the "last" connection between everything else and the battery's negative terminal. you would want to connect your inverter's negative cable to the load side of the shunt, along with all the other trailer's connection. this will allow the shunt to measure the inverter usage. again, same caution applies that the cable between battery and shunt needs to be at least as big as the cable between shunt and inverter.