Forum Discussion

JHblack's avatar
Jul 26, 2020

Yamaha NPS 5500kw generator

Will pick up our new 5th Wheel toy hauler this week. Was told that generator is a brand new Yamaha NPS 5500KW.

I can’t find any info out there on this geny.

Do any of you in RV land have any INTEL?

ONAN was on spec sheet but dealer says this is a better option over the ONAN.

When dealer says it’s a better option, my BU** Sh~~ detector goes into overdrive.
  • My uncle Charlie had a Winnie Rialta with a inverter type generator in it

    At one time Onan had a small built in RV 2500w Generator
    With an aux pull start

    Yes different models, not one with both features,
    But hardly unique ground breaking new features
  • DrewE wrote:
    ... modern electronics are more sensitive than ever to power line quality (quite the opposite, on the whole--a switching power supply is by general nature quite insensitive to power quality, though some designs may have specific needs).

    Few people know what (or care) what a switching mode power supply is, but you are correct ! Most SMPS can actually run on DC if the voltage is high enough (>50V ?).
  • Apparently, Forest River signed a deal with NPS power a month or two ago to be their sole supplier of generators for (certain?) RVs for some undisclosed time period. Details are awfully sketchy; most of the industry news report sites seem to have pulled the story. Maybe the deal fell through, or was announced prematurely, or something?

    Anyhow, the NPS website is here. NPS is not a subsidiary of Yamaha; they're a small company, and simply are using Yamaha engines. While the generators themselves may well be excellent, for all I know, they also seem to tout their product using some questionable, misleading or outright incorrect claims: for instance, that they are the first to ever sell a built-in RV generator that uses inverter technology (Onan has one or two inverter models, and have for awhile); and that modern electronics are more sensitive than ever to power line quality (quite the opposite, on the whole--a switching power supply is by general nature quite insensitive to power quality, though some designs may have specific needs).
  • JHblack wrote:
    When dealer says it’s a better option, my BU** Sh~~ detector goes into overdrive.

    And it should !

    Not saying the Yamaha is bad, just that the Onan is the "industry standard".