js6343js6343 wrote:
Yep, They did not return the old A/C to me. Shoot there was nothing wrong with it but a dirty weep hole. By the way there is not 2 in mine. There is ONE. Inspected multiple times.
Guess I am learning here there is no incentive for the dealer not to replace since they are reimbursed in full for parts and labor.
Anyway, no worries. It is fixed now. Just thought I'd share what I thought was some amazingly stupid design.
If it drains ON the roof, it has 2. Give me the model number. They ALL have 2 unless it drains thru the roof out the bottom of the RV. If inspected multiple times you would have seen the 2 and also if correctly diagnoised, they would have seen the 2 round indentions of the bottom of the drain holes on the rubber roof when the Old was removed. The Service center does NOT make the decision to replace or repair. RVP makes that decision. You MUST contac them for any warranty on a Roof AC. Once they know the facts, RVP determines if repair or replacement is needed. Warranty parts are NEVER the property of the RV owner. IF the supplier does not want them back, he can have them. In this case, once the Data Tag was removed, I would give the unit to the customer if he wanted it. It would be in the trash anyway.