Yah maybe. But it’s definitely the case here. We live in an area with a lot of EV’s. During our cold (and snow) snap there were tons of ICE vehicles waiting for boosts both at homes and in parking lots downtown. Just within our townhouse community we boosted a couple with our trusty little booster pack. And it wasn’t even really cold. I think minus 27 with a minus 31 windchill. (It rarely gets much colder where we are) We tried to park in the garage most nights but it’s been fine the times it’s been outside. The interiour went from minus 25 to plus 15 C in 5 minutes. Windows defrosted etc. super convenient.
To each his own of course. Nothing wrong with gas or diesel vehicles if that’s what serves your needs.
The achilles heel of EV’s is the same as ICE. A dead 12 volt (or 16 volt or 48 volt depending on model) battery. If that’s healthy you are good to go. We keep a little booster pack in the frunk just in case.