Forum Discussion

Duramaximos's avatar
May 19, 2014

12 volt system - Okanagan UDB

Hi folks!

I admit I'm suffering from information overload with respect to my campers 12 volt system! :)

So I'll start slow with a couple questions...

Currently (no pun intended) my camper is outfitted with one 12 volt battery and a solar panel. I don't have the model numbers and capacities handy just yet.

During our inaugural camping trip I made several observations that lead me to believe the camper is operating from the truck batteries (diesel truck with 2 batteries):
1/ the solar meter in the TC is measuring 11 volts (low I think)
2/ the negative terminal at the TC battery was disconnected
3/ when connected to the 7 way harness the slide out and happijacks operate very well. when disconnected to the 7 way the slide out struggles to move and the happijacks do not work at all.

This has me a little concerned for various reasons.
First, I'm worried I may inadvertently discharge my truck batteries and leave us stranded.
Secondly, I don't want to shorten the life of my truck batteries by misusing them for the TC.

My first thought is to remove the fuse from the truck that supplies power to the 12 volt pin on the 7 way harness.

With the little reading I've done, I understand the 12 volt system can be easily damaged without proper maintenance, while avoiding misuse. My thinking is, I'll start isolating the truck power from the TC power and go from there.

By the way, the TC is connected to a 7 way receptacle I installed in the truck box. I can't access it when the camper is loaded. Thus my idea to simply remove the fuse.

Perhaps the TC battery is shot.
I'm a complete newby when it comes to 12 volt systems. I would appreciate any advice you can offer me. For instance, I'm not entirely certain how to go about testing the TC battery after I have it isolated from the Truck. I don't know what the solar panel contributes to the system insofar as testing and measuring is concerned.

Thanks in advance!