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The_LeRoys's avatar
Apr 27, 2015

2008 E350 TPMS Sensors

I just picked up a new to me 2008 E350. Before I drove to get it, I had a Ford garage look it over. The only thing they could find wrong was that it didn't have TPMS sensors. This leaves the dash light on all of the time for the tire sensor error. Can any tire shop re-install these sensors or does it have to be done at Ford?

Is there an aftermarket system that is better than the factory system? If so, can I just disable the factory system & light?
  • bfast54, you are still living in the last decade with your truck. The current vehicles OEM TPMS do EVERYTHING your Doran system will do plus more and NOT have a separate screen setting on the dash to act as a missile in an accident.
  • the quote "easiest way to turn the light off "is to pull the instrument panel out which of course means you need to pull the -DASH Apart--and loosen the instrument cluster--- find out which bulb it is (it will say on back of cluster)and just twist it out --and then put the whole dash back together --that's " the easiest way "to do it

    and I strongly disagree that the factory system is the BEST SYSTEM..

    l Have the Doran pressure pro --and it is made in the United States of America --(Cincinnati) and you get a monitor that mounts on the dash and you can buy whatever Number sensors (pretty sure six is what you would need )and it can tell you exactly what the tire pressure is --and it will give you a warning if the tire pressure starts to go down slowly ,or fast --and it will monitor the tires all the time or only have the display on when you have the key on.
    It is slicker than anything and by far the best system--(after using it for last 6-7 yrs )and made in the USA!!!
  • I was hoping that using the OBDII I would be able to pull the Tire Pressure from the computer, but apparently they don't have that information, that stinks.

    I think It would be just easier to turn off the light, is that possible?
  • I know the van has the system as the error light is on and the dealer said its there, but the sensors aren't in the tires. I dont know how they determined they aren't in the tires.

    The original owner said he changed the rims and didn't worry about the pressure monitor as he checked it manually. Perhaps they are in there and not programmed, or not in there at all.

    If I'm searching for new sensors and all garages will carry them. Should I care about brand or make? Is there one sensor that I need to avoid?
  • How did the garage determine there are no sensors? Did they dismount a tire and look inside? As the Texan said, any tire shop can replace the sensors but I would confirm that's the problem. Last thing you want is 4 brand new sensors and the light still on....

    When I installed TPMS on the trailer, I took the tires in to be balanced and the shop charged me $2/tire to install internal sensors in addition to whatever the balancing cost. That was with me providing the sensors. Here's a set of 4 for $70 on Amazon.
  • The LeRoys wrote:
    I just picked up a new to me 2008 E350. Before I drove to get it, I had a Ford garage look it over. The only thing they could find wrong was that it didn't have TPMS sensors. This leaves the dash light on all of the time for the tire sensor error. Can any tire shop re-install these sensors or does it have to be done at Ford?

    Is there an aftermarket system that is better than the factory system? If so, can I just disable the factory system & light?
    Slightly confused here......
    Did the vehicle have TPMS sensors originally - where did they go?
    Is it over 10,000# GVWR? TPMS not required at that weight, but then, why is the warning light activated?

    Sounds to me like you need your dealer to replace the OEM units.
  • Any and all full service tire shops can install the TPMS in each tire and set it for your Ford system. They are required by law to carry the tire transmitters and the equipment to set the system. The factory system is the better of your choices.