OK ladies. I'm not blaming Northern Tool. This tank is built differently from the picture. The tool box on top is smaller than the tank. It is built that way so the tank can slide underneath the front lip of the bed of the truck. But on the 2017 Super Duties, that small lip on the bed is now a large wall. It does not fit underneath the lip so there's now that space between the tank and the front wall. Add the fact that the tool box is set back and you have a pretty large distance back to your tool box from the front of the truck bed. Looks goofy more than anything.
I have already dropped off the tank at a local welding shop and we discussed how to reshape the tank the way it should have been built. I imagine RDS will change it to be very similar to how I'm doing it if someone wants one for a 2017 Super Duty.
As was stated in the last line of my original post, "But until RDS redesigns these tanks for the new 2017 Super Duty bed, I pass this along to spare others the aggravation." That was the point of this thread.
So spare me your moral sarcasm. Nobody blamed Northern Tool. The fees would be between me and RDS. Northern is only the go-between.