Presume it’s filon and never have repaired filon, but nothing should “bleed” through a gelcoat patch. Idk how you’d match the texture of the filon, but yeah that looks like a half-@ssed repair.
I’ve fixed enough fiberglass boats that a seamless repair is not that hard to achieve with gelcoat
Just another experience to add to the list of shoddy dealer, supplier, mfg support in the RV industry. Seems one should just expect that it’s a foregone conclusion and any “good” service/warranty should be considered a bonus not a right.
You can also bet that whoever you talked to could honestly claim plausible deniability and if they couldn’t, they would anyway.
It’s jut like a lot of industries, claiming ignorance whether the truth or not, typically saves them money in the long run.
The easy fix is turn that area into a vent or cover it with something that looks like it should be there. Maybe a wall drug bumper sticker?