way2roll wrote:
Got it back from the dealer and when I started the next morning the start was weaker than it's ever been. It's probably close to not starting at all. Also it's starting to do weird electronic things, like the window going down when I press it to go up and the clock keeps resetting itself to 24 HR. I change it back and the next day it resets. Based on what I've read these are clear signs the batteries are going bad. Having them load tested today at the auto parts store. It's also clear the dealership essentially did nothing. If it's the batteries, can I get them replaced under warranty without the dealership? Do I just bite the bullet and buy better batteries than the motorcraft ones? I'll have to look but I think the batts carry their own warranty but being motorcraft I assume it's through Ford.
IF it were me.. IF the bats came back as BAD after the load test, I would take that truck right over to Ford and have them load test it in front of you.. The issue will be that they will say that bats may not be covered as people can cause harm to them by leaving STUFF on at night.....BUT, It won't hurt to ask / demand....