That TC would probably be about 4K the way I load things. So about 4500 abouve base wt of 4800 lbs, so just a bit over 9K lbs or there issues!!!
You forgot those folks with 4 kids, all under the age of say 6 or 7 that might weigh what 200-300 lbs between them, and forget or seem to not care that them whipper snappers grow at about 10 lbs per kid per year.........Or they believe the folks that happen to be nothing more than a couple! oh you will only load some 800-1000 lbs into said RV.......hmmmmmmm...... I was closer to 3000 lbs of gear, and 1200-1300 for my said family of 6 when I had 4 adult sized teens......
Well anyway......