McZippie wrote:
Do your lugs a favor and always brush any loose stuff off the hubs and insides of the wheel before mounting them and apply proper torque to the lug nuts. Lube the threads or washers as appropriate.
I have to comment on the last sentence. While it's O.K. to wipe the washers with a little oil one should never, ever put anything on the actual threads especially any sort of lubricant. I even question some that put things like never seize on the threads and you can also wipe some oil on the wheel and hub pilot interface surfaces to prevent seizing.
For decades I've been applying a light coating of wheel bearing grease on hub mounting surfaces and lug nuts/bolts. I assumed it was not the correct thing to do but with winter road salt welding everything together, it makes wheel removal much easier.
In days past one might have gotten away with lubing the hub threads mainly because as I stated earlier the tapered seat fastening system is more forgiving in torque values, but that is not the case with the flat washer type fastening system. This system requires a higher torque than the other system and is much more sensitive to proper torquing so again I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND NOT LUBING the threads on that system in particular.
Also on trucks with the extra torque stressing of towing these HUGE TTs and 5ers makes the proper torquing and attention to the details even more important.