I have been using the tankless 12VDC POrtable air compressor (AMAZON-Q Industries MV50) for years even back in my tent camping days...

I also use the CAMCO 36153 AIR ADAPTER (AMAZON) so I can input air into the city water port for blowing out the air lines..

The tankless air compressor is rated at 150PSI but I doubt if it would ever do that successfully haha... It works great for my 60lbs tires and with the long air hose I can sit this on the dropped tail gate of the truck and connect into the trailer 12VDC battery terminals and get to all the tires on both my truck and POPUP trailer setup. It has a good 15-foot or so length air hose with it... This compressor get pretty hot when being used so be careful and let it cool down before putting back in the fabric case...
Being tankless it doesn't jump right into high pressure and slowly builds up to it. This is perfect for blowing out the water lines. Lets you walk inside and open some taps... This is perfect for us as we like to camp up into the late November/Dec times OFF-ROAD and may have to blow out some water before going to bed at night when it gets down to freezing temps. Only takes a few minutes with this setup... Then we can just add water the next day and go on...
The nice carrying case fits under my truck rear seat area just fine... I have room in here for my tire air gauge and air adapter for the trailer city water port.

I suspect my MV50 is getting pretty old now as I sort of get the feeling it doesn't put out as much air as it once did but still works great for me. I notice the VIAIR model which is very similar to this unit is very popular looking under the AMAZON REMARKS...
At the house I have a professional grade 120V Air Compressor with tank setup. I have never really needed a 120VAC air compressor on the camping trips...
Roy Ken