Towing a CR-V behind a truck camper will be similar to towing behind a motor home. You need to have sufficient distance between the two to allow for sharp turns that will not allow the corners to touch.
What is different is the amount of camper overhang you have off the rear of the truck. Up to about 2' you can use an inexpensive extension off an OEM receiver. Once you get to longer lengths, you are putting considerable side forces on the receiver through that lever. You may be able to add side chains to triangulate the extension to a Class V receiver or at this point start considering whether you would be more comfortable with a double receiver and truss setup like what is sold by Torklift.
Although there may not be brake requirements for 4-down towing in your state, I feel you should seriously consider this for any vehicle over 3000 lbs. Your truck is already loaded with the truck camper, so your truck brakes could use the assistance of the towd when attached.
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