PA12DRVR wrote:
Second the above.
The relevant wildlife where I'm at is moose...and I'm not sure any lights will dissuade a moose from crossing a nice hard-surface highway vs. snow...
I'm sure peoples perspectives are different in regions that don't have large critters, like, say the southern US for the most part.
And in my experience, lights don't dissuade any species of critter from jumping out in front of you.
But coon/possum/beaver = smashes the spoiler on your sports car.
Coyote = takes out a headlight or grille on your sports car.
Deer= likely a certain trip to the body shop. If you're in your sports car, might = a windshield replacement too. Talking little deer here, not big muleys.
Bear = hitting a brick with a low center of gravity
Elk = in your lap in anything shorter than a 4x4 pickup in a head on strike and like the bear, might total your whip.
Moose = may as well run into a tree or another truck, and unless you're sporting a 6" lift and at least 35s, Bullwinkle might also end up stuffed in the cab along with you.
I like my odds much better though when I can SEE them ahead of time!