Forum Discussion

jerem0621's avatar
Explorer II
Oct 27, 2015

Awesome PUP Needs Surgery

Well...our new this year to us Awesome PUP needs to have some roof surgery to reclaim its total awesomeness.

The curb side front roof sideboard is toast...about 1 ft from the front of the roof back. Looks like the clamp anchor that clamps the roof closed came lose just enough to to leak and it destroyed the side board...

Well, love the PUP so it's going to be fixed.

Quick call to Flagstaff and they inform me a new roof is about $1500 before shipping...before I spend that I think I will fix it myself. I can see the wood and the damage... Going to remove the roof and fix the sideboard.

Oh the joy of a winter project.

Anyone done this before? I'm pretty handy but I do not have a battery of wood working tools...Its a 12 ft side board so I'll have to get creative to make the length work.

Thanks, I'll keep everyone posted on how this goes.

  • I'm not clear what redoing the electrical in a PUP has to do with removing a roof and replacing a 12' board? :h

    I've removed the roof of a pop-up. The roof is not that hard to remove. The roof itself is held on by 4 bolts attached to the roof supports. Before you do that you have to remove the canvas. The canvas is held in with a plastic cord sewn inside the edge of the canvas that slides inside a channel at the top inside of the roof. If I recall there is a zipper or Velcro where the joint of the canvas is. You have to slide it out and take all the canvas off. Also there is probably wiring for the roof lights and AC that feeds through a channel in the canvas. You'll need 4 people to lift off the roof and put it back on later.

    Of course if you have AC this slightly complicates things, mine did not have AC.

    Once you get the roof off you'll see that replacing the board is pretty easy. Check with your local lumber yard, no reason you can't get a 12' board.

    I wish you the best on this!
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    I worked on the bottom of my OFF-ROAD version PUPUP rerouting all of th wiring and getting all of that inside PVC CONDUIT TUBING that runs in an enclosed loop circle under the trailer.

    I used the idea of using PVC ELECTRICAL boxes mounted upside down under the floor and drilling a large hole through the center of the PVC box to get back inside the trailer in a cabinets etc... This sealed up all of my large gaping holes under the trailer where things crawled inside from.. ALso made it very easy to add more cabling. You can just take down the weather tight sealed lids on the electrical boxes and pull wire to all places with ease.

    The PVC Electrical boxes have the conduit connections for all of the underfloor PVC CONDUIT tubing... Everything enclosed inside the tubing...

    It also was a good time to replace all of my DC wiring with good marine type approved two conductor wiring cables everywhere. even labeled a few of them... You know how it goes once you get everything opened up that is a good time to think about all of the things that would be nice to do. Being a OFF-ROAD guy as well as a Radio ham guy we are always doing something with wiring.

    I kept dragging off wiring running back in the off-roads before and no problem with that now.. I even redid all of the basic trailer DC wiring for the brakes and lights as well including them in the enclosed PVC conduit paths.

    I did all of this laying on the ground outside over a couple of month of playing with it. Sure would be alot easier if it was inside a barn or a garage.

    My floorplan looks something like this now (tent beds ends not shown)

    I rewired for a more modern WFCO POWER DISTRIBUTION setup with many circuit breakers and DC fuse locations sort of identified in this pictorial..

    This is the way I look camping off-road up on a forest road trail somewhere

    Love my OFF-ROAD camping...
    Roy Ken